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Barron's BARRON'S is edited to contain in-depth analysis of how the capital markets impact the future of business and government. Articles point out industrial developments and investment o... 
BBC Focus BBC Focus is a British monthly magazine about science and technology published in Bristol, UK by Bristol Magazines Ltd, a BBC Worldwide company. Edited by Graham Southorn it cove... 
BBC History The best-selling magazine covering British and World History. 
BBC Knowledge (magazine) BBC Knowledge Magazine - the new magazine about science, nature and history...invention, innovation and more. Sir Francis Bacon was right about knowledge. It is power. Ben ... 
BBC Knowledge 國際中文版 《BBC 知識》讓讀者輕鬆坐擁科學、歷史、自然知識的饗宴,跟著BBC專業作者一探科學及生物多樣性的奧秘,循著深入淺出的報導重返世界文明和歷史的當下。「眾」量級的內容、「輕」量級的閱讀負擔,滿足每一顆好奇的心靈。 
BBC知識 Knowledge , BBC Knowledge 國際中文版 BBC知識 Knowledge , BBC Knowledge 國際中文版 
bella儂儂 《bella儂儂》女性時尚雜誌自1984年創立以來,一直是台灣20至30歲的女性,一個有趣、最好的朋友和姊妹淘。 發行至今超過28年,滿載著豐富的內容與清新樂觀的觀點,《bella儂儂》是第一本由台灣為據點,同時在台灣、馬來西亞兩地發行,跨足亞太地區的女性時尚雜誌,每月總發行量超過10萬份。 在過去的29年, 《bella儂儂》一直保持著台灣... 
Better Home and Gardens Developed by the experts at Better Homes and Gardens, is the premiere home and family site on the Web, and the interactive companion to Better Homes and Gardens magazine.&n... 
Bike Bike Magazine showcases the sport of mountain biking like no other publication. It captures the sport's personalities, trends, and issues with a style all its own.  Usin... 
Birds & Blooms Birds & Blooms is an American magazine about backyard plants, birds, butterflies, and other creatures.  It is published by Reiman Publications.  Most of the art...