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The American Legion Magazine The American Legion is a social and mutual-aid veterans' organization including members of the United States armed forces.  The organization was founded in 1919 by veterans... 
The ANNALS of the American Acdaemy of Political and Social Science The ANNALS of the American Acdaemy of Political and Social Science 
The Atlantic The Atlantic 
The China Journal The China Journal is a cutting-edge source of scholarship, information and analysis about China and Taiwan.  TCJ has published informed and insightful commentary from China... 
The China Quarterly The China Quarterly 中國季刊-英國劍橋大學(國際安全戰略)The China Quarterly is the leading scholarly journal in its field, covering all aspects of contemporary China including Taiwan. Its interd... 
The Diplomat Since its launch in 2002, The Diplomat has been dedicated to quality analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world. The Diplomat reaches... 
The Journal of Electronic Defence The Journal of Electronic Defense (JED) is the official publication of the Association of Old Crows (AOC), an independent, nonprofit, international professional association promoti... 
The Military Engineer The Military Engineer, a bi-monthly magazine covering issues of importance to the architectural, engineering, construction and environmental community. 
Warship International From a small beginning in 1964, this quarterly journal has become internationally recognized as the most authoritative English-language publication in the warship field. Each is... 
Washington Quarterly Published by CSIS, The Washington Quarterly is a journal of international affairs, analyzing global strategic changes and their public policy implications.