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Bulletin of the America Meteorological Society (BAMS)


The American Meteorological Society is a diverse organization of oceanographers and meteorologists and hydrologists, bioscientists and computer scientists, researchers and practitioners, students and teachers, doctors and lawyers, lawmakers and citizens, retirees and teenagers. 

BAMS, the Society’s membership magazine, makes every effort to communicate with them all. 

We represent the members of the Society—to one another as well as to the world.

BAMS covers the development of the atmospheric, oceanic, and related sciences in research and education; the informed and innovative application of these sciences in public service and private enterprise; and the use of these sciences in making a prosperous, healthy, and sustainable world. 

BAMS is the official organ of the society, devoted to editorials, topical reports to members, articles, professional and membership news, conference announcements, programs and summaries, book reviews, and society activities. 

In BAMS, colleagues examine professional and scientific issues, discuss common concerns and interests, exchange ideas and opinions, and analyze trends and achievements. 

BAMS is a common ground for sponsors, providers, and customers; for hydrologists, oceanographers, meteorologists, and other scientists. 

It facilitates exchange between otherwise isolated communities of researchers, practitioners, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and broadcasters.

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