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Cancer Vaccines Markets

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Published: 2011/05/01
Page: 114
Format: PDF
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Cancer vaccines have the potential to become a significant force in future cancer treatments. In 2010, Dendreon's Provenge became the first cancer vaccine approved by the FDA, generating renewed interest and support for this type of cancer immune therapy. Cancer vaccines can be divided into six main categories: antigen/adjuvant vaccines, DNA vaccines, vector-based vaccines, tumor cell vaccines, dendritic cell vaccines and anti-idiotype vaccines. This relatively new commercial market for cancer vaccines is poised to dramatically increase to over $7 billion by 2015. The purpose of this TriMark Publications report is to supply comprehensive information on the developing market for cancer vaccines. This study surveys almost all of the companies known to be marketing, manufacturing, or developing cancer vaccines in the world, providing in-depth analysis of the current and emerging technologies in the cancer vaccines market. Each company is extensively examined, with a section on its history, product line, business and marketing analysis, and a subjective commentary of the company's market position. Moreover, this report provides detailed discussions of cancer vaccines funding trends, intellectual property, market opportunities, research collaborations, partnership activities, regulatory issues and guidelines for establishing new ventures. Detailed tables and charts with sales forecasts and market share data are also included.