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Fidelity Wealth: Case Study

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Published: 2015/07/13
Page: 19
Format: PDF
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The Fidelity Wealth Service targets self-directed mass affluent customers with over £100,000 to invest who are comfortable conducting most of their investment activities online.

- Understand the Fidelity Wealth Service proposition and what it offers to mass affluent customers.
- Find out which features of the Fidelity Wealth Service offering make it attractive to the mass affluent.
- Discover how to target and attract self-directed mass affluent investors.

- How should you position investment guidance to respond to the specific needs of the mass affluent?
- How does Fidelity Wealth target digitally savvy self-directed investors?
- What are the key elements to a successful mass affluent investor proposition?

Key Highlights
The mass affluent are a great source of new clients as many are still adding to their portfolios.

Fidelity has chosen to offer information and guidance on investments, as opposed to investment advice. This demonstrates the intention to provide unregulated investment information rather than personalized and regulated investment recommendations.