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Bloomberg Businessweek By combining the innovation and scale of Bloomberg with the insight and depth of Bloomberg Businessweek, we cover the business world like no one else can.  With 1,700 journalists in 146 bureaus across 72 countries, we have more reporters, all over the world, asking the questions that you want answered.  ... 
Bloomberg Markets Bloomberg Markets magazine brings you the inside view of professional investing. With unparalleled access to the most influential people in global business and finance, Bloomberg Markets magazine tells you who wins, loses and who's at risk in global business. Bloomberg Markets 彭博市場是一本獻給金融專家和專業人士月刊。是財務決策和經營哲學的重要刊物,在金融世... 
Bon Appetit / Bon Appétit Bon Appetit magazine is an all-in-one guide to fabulous food, fine wine and fun entertaining.  Find latest food trends, product reviews and recipes in each issue of Bon Appetit magazine. Bon Appétit is an American food and entertaining magazine published monthly. It was started by M. Frank Jones in Ka... 
Bridge Design & Engineering Bridgeweb: is the official website of Bridge design & engineering, a quarterly magazine aimed at structural engineers, architects, bridge owners, contractors and specialist manufacturers working in the international bridge industry.  The magazine was launched in 1995 and has subscribers al... 
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology publishes articles relating to areas of psychology which have a greater mathematical or statistical aspect of their argument than is usually acceptable to other journals including: ? mathematical psychology ? statistics ? psychometrics ? decision making ? ... 
British Journal of Psychology The British Journal of Psychology publishes original research on all aspects of general psychology including cognition; health and clinical psychology; developmental, social and occupational psychology. 
Building Design & Construction Since 2004 Building Design & Construction Magazine has been consistently delivering news, interviews, case studies and editorials to professionals at the forefront of the UK construction sector.  The magazine has worked with some of the leading trade associations in the country and continues to build new re... 
Bulk Transporter Bulk Transporter is the information source for liquid and dry bulk logistics industry. Written for bulk shippers, transporters, and storage operators, BT is dedicated to providing the latest information on regulations, technological developments, logistics management, and hazardous materials safety. For over 65 years, ... 
Bulletin of the America Meteorological Society (BAMS) The American Meteorological Society is a diverse organization of oceanographers and meteorologists and hydrologists, bioscientists and computer scientists, researchers and practitioners, students and teachers, doctors and lawyers, lawmakers and citizens, retirees and teenagers.  BAMS, the Society’s member... 
Business Traveler Asia-Pacific Business Traveller has grown from the original UK edition first published in 1976 to 10 international editionsin 2013, with new editions on the horizon. Although the focus of the different international editions of Business Traveller is constant, the editorial in each international edition reflects the regional intere...