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Chemical Engineering Journal The Chemical Engineering Journal focuses upon three aspects of chemical engineering: chemical reaction engineering, environmental chemical engineering, and materials synthesis and processing.  The Chemical Engineering Journal is an international research journal and invites contributions of original and novel f... 
Chemical Engineering Progress CEP publishes articles on the key aspects of chemical engineering: Energy Transfer and Conversion; Environmental Protection; Fluids and Solids Handling; Materials; Measurement and Control; Safety; Reactions and Separations; as well as Professional Development, and Management.  CEP's editorial focus can be summa... 
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (CJA) is a peer reviewed, bimonthly, academic magazine in English which publishes papers of outstanding scientific and technological work.  The main aim of the Journal is to report the scientific and technological achievements and frontiers in aeronautic engineering and astronauti... 
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering is the award-winning monthly flagship magazine of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Established in 1930, Civil Engineering appeals to a broad range of readers who represent the full spectrum of civil engineering disciplines: architectural, structural, geotechnical and geoenvironmental, transpor... 
Clinical Psychologist Clinical Psychologist is the journal of the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Clinical Psychologists. The journal covers a range of topics of broad general relevance to psychologists working in clinical and health settings, including assessment and treatment of psychopathology. 
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry An international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on the latest clinical and experimental research in dentistry with specific emphasis on cosmetic interventions. Innovative developments in dental materials, techniques and devices that improve outcomes and patient satisfaction and preference will be hig... 
Clymer Clymer is 400 + technical manuals covering maintenance, troubleshooting and repair for motorcycles, ATVs, vintage and antique tractors, marine engines, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, and outdoor power equipment. Clymer continues to add new and updated manuals to its industry leading backlist.  Clymer covers thousand... 
Coal Information Coal Information brings together in one annual volume essential statistics on coal.  It therefore provides a strong foundation for policy and market analysis.  Part I of the publication provides a review of the world coal market, while Part II provides a statistical overview of developments, which cover... 
College Athletics and the Law Develop a legally sound “game plan” for your institution's athletics programs! Each month, you get expert coaching on how to meet NCAA and Title IX requirements, negotiate coaching contracts, support athletes with disabilities, and more. College Athletics and the... 
College English College English is the professional journal for the college scholar-teacher. CE publishes articles about literature, rhetoric-composition, critical theory, creative writing theory and pedagogy, linguistics, literacy, reading theory, pedagogy, and professional issues related to the teaching of English. Each issue also ...