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Journal of Leisure Research The Journal of Leisure Research is the official refereed publication of the National Recreation and Park Association in cooperation with The University of Illinois and Sagamore Pub... 
Journal of Marketing Research Topics of interest to journal readers include, but are not limited to: adhesion, aerospace, aging, agriculture, automotive, composite materials, constitutive modeling, contact mech... 
MIT Sloan Management Review MIT Sloan Management Review leads the discourse among academic researchers, business executives and other influential thought leaders about advances in management practice that are... 
Money Money is published by Time Inc. Its first issue was published in October 1972. Its articles cover the gamut of personal finance topics ranging from investing, saving, retirement a... 
MONEY 錢 《Money錢》月刊於2007年10月創刊,每月發行十萬本,一創刊就連續數月拿下台灣主要通路7-11、金石堂與博客來等財經雜誌銷售排行榜冠軍寶座,第一年即被廣告雜誌(Adm)評選為《2007年度風雲雜誌》,是國內近年少見叫好又叫座的理財雜誌。 《Money錢》調正確的理財觀念與長期的理財規劃,最適合忙碌的上班族、雙薪家庭與追求財富穩定成長的投資大眾。內容涵蓋... 
National Real Estate Investor National Real Estate Investor follows the money in all classes of commercial real estate. Coverage includes exclusive, independent research on topics that pertain to the office, in... 
Newsweek (Digital) Newsweek was an American weekly news magazine that was published in New York City in print form from 1933 to 2012. Its print edition was distributed throughout the United States an... 
Performance Improvement Performance Improvement journal is publication of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). Founded in 1962, ISPI is the leading int... 
ppaper business 由「RUN!PC」與「CIO企業經理人」雙月刊整合,每月月初出刊。 
Project Management Journal Project Management Journal is the academic and research quarterly of the Project Management Institute. Each issue of Project Management Journal addresses a broad range of interests...