The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library is a vast collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information.
The Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.Your college, university, or corporation will enjoy a decided advantage over its peers with access to the ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library (SEDL). In addition to ASTM's 12,000+ world-renown standards, you'll have access to all the related publications that provide an account of the research and technology leading to ASTM standards as well as guidance on how to understand and apply them. These research papers span 140+ industries and 100+ years.
ASTM Standards
Download or order mail delivery of any of ASTM's 12,000+ standards, covering metals, petroleum, construction, the environment, and more.
ASTM Symposia Papers & STPs
ASTM Manuals & Monographs & Data Series
ASTM Journals
Discover the latest engineering research with ASTM Symposia Papers. This essential engineering collection contains over 29,000 papers -- all of them peer reviewed! All symposia papers are published in book format (known as STPs or Selected Technical Papers). You can download individual papers from any book or simply download the entire book itself.
Get practical, hands-on application information (Manuals) or advanced and highly technical information (Monographs) from highly-regarded experts in their respective fields. The ASTM Data Series cover specific applications, contain compiled data, and usually include explanatory text.
All journal papers are peer reviewed and are abstracted/indexed in such top services as ISI Science Citation Index, COMPENDEX, Chemical Abstracts, Web of Science and more. Online subscriptions include the complete backlist of ASTM Journals which have been digitized back to the first issue of each journal.